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"Best Fried Chicken in Studio City"

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Some Things Happy Customers Have Said


Healthy Options

Gluten-Free Options

Easy Parking

Our Menu

Only Fresh Ingredients

Only Fresh Ingredients

We invest in quality ingredients to ensure our customers get the great taste we’re famous for. Because we believe that you deserve the best.

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Made With Love

Our secret ingredient is passion. Everyone on our team is passionate about making your time with us as great as it can be – from start to finish.

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Made With Love
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About Us

Our award-winning Sanday Sandwich

Our award-winning Sanday Sandwich

Winner of GOLD in both the People’s Choice and the Judges' Pick! The Sanday Sandwich is made up of fried chicken breast, slaw, pickles, butter bun, and Comeback sauce. Fries included.

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Introducing the $5.95 Menu

We are now offering the best of our menu at a Nashville HOT DEAL - $5.95!

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Introducing the $5.95 Menu
